Le dynamisme des membres de Pharm’image était largement représenté au dernier congrès de l’EANM (European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Barcelone Octobre 2016) avec la présentation de 7 communications orales et 4 posters.
Deux de nos membres avaient également des stands, Chematech et Cyclopharma.
Communications Orales :
- Initial performance evaluation of a preclinical PET scanner available as a clippable assembly in a sequential PET/MRI system. M. Vrigneaud, J. Mc Grath, R. Pegg, A. Camacho, G. Martin, N. Schramm, F. Brunotte ORAL ranked within the best communications for highlights lecture
- Implementation of routine sequential PET/MR of the rat heart in an in-line preclinical scannerM. Vrigneaud, P. Walker, A. Camacho, A. Courteau, A. Oudot, M. Guillemin, F. Brunotte
- 18F-Choline PET/CT and multiparametric MRI for the detection of local recurrence of prostate cancer initially treated by radiotherapy: comparison with systematic transperineal mapping biopsy. Kanoun, P. Walker, J. Vrigneaud, E. Depardon, V. Barbier, O. Humbert, M. Moulin, G. Créhange, L. Cormier, R. Loffroy, F. Brunotte, A. Cochet
- Prognostic significance of FDG-PET/CT derived parameters in a first metastatic breast cancer relapse. Depardon, S. Kanoun, O. Humbert, J. Riedinger, I. Tal, J. Vrigneaud, M. Lasserre, M. Toubeau, A. Berriolo-Riedinger, I. Dygai-Cochet, P. Fumoleau, F. Brunotte, A. Cochet
- Abnormal cardiac adrenergic neuron activity assessed by 123I-MIBG is an early marker of cardiac dysfunction in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rats. Collin, A. Oudot, J. M. Vrigneaud, S. Delemasure, M. Guillemin, P. M. Walker, A. Lalande, A. Cochet, F. Brunotte
- Prognosis value of baseline total metabolic tumor volume (TMTV) in advanced Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) : Ancillary study of AHL2011 LYSA trial. Kanoun, A. Berriolo-Riedinger, I. Tal, V. Edeline, A. Cottereau, P. Brice, R. Bouabdallah, G. Salles, A. Stamatoullas, J. Dupuis, M. Andre, N. Mounier, C. Ferme, M. Meignan, R. Casasnovas
- MA-NOTA: a new chelator for efficient 64Cu antibody radiolabeling. Moreau, S. Poty, J. Vrigneaud, P. Walker, M. Guillemin, O. Raguin, A. Oudot, C. Bernhard, C. Goze, F. Boschetti, B. Collin, F. Brunotte, F. Denat
- Radiation Risk Assessment In Preclinical Imaging: Protective Techniques And Handling Procedures Developed To Minimize Occupational Exposures. PREVOT, A. OUDOT, M. GUILLEMIN, M. MOREAU, J. VRIGNEAUD, K. CHAPELIER, O. RAGUIN, L. HOUOT, A. COCHET, B. COLLIN, F. BRUNOTTE
- BODIPY: a highly versatile platform for the design of MonoMolecular Multimodal Imaging Probes. Goze, M. Ipuy, N. Maindron, D. Lhenry, C. Bernhard, M. Moreau, P. Provent, A. Oudot, B. Collin, J. Vrigneaud, F. Brunotte, F. Denat
- Beth Israel Plugin for FIJI: A free and open source software tool for PET/CT processing in research. Kanoun, I. Tal, J. Vrigneaud, A. Cochet
- Pharmacokinetic of tumor FDG uptake in subcutaneous and orthotopic preclinical models of breast cancer – Influence of administration route. Oudot, J. M. Vrigneaud, O. Raguin, M. Guillemin, P. Provent, B. Collin, F. Brunotte
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